Today marks the day that CCN0 as a project turns 4 years old.
To celebrate, I have many projects to announce and release.
Many of these projects are being worked on in the background
for the past few months or even years, and its finally the
occasion to announce these projects.
Terter v0.1.3
Terter allows you to change the HTML that loads when you go to a URL.
This update brings wildcards in URLs e.g. (*://example.com/*).
It also allows you to see all stored URLs so you can see and delete
stored URLs easier. This update should be done by the time your reading this.
If not, it's the Firefox version's fault, and it should be done later this week.
GlobalClocks V7
GlobalClocks for the longest time has only had days, hours, minutes and seconds.
Soon, you will be able to see months, years, and the counters that don't matter
will now be truncated when they aren't being used. This should be out right now,
and if it's not, then it will be out sometime in a few weeks.
CCN0 Screensaver allows to edit or run a screensaver entirely within
your browser. You can draw, add images, and have these run periodically
while you aren't using your computer. I also have plans to add a bookmarklet
feature to use your screensaver incase you go inactive on a webpage.
This project should get done by about July or August.
CCN0TEBOOK v2 builds onto the original app, with going back pages, color,
brush width, onion skinning, importing, and exporting. You will get a .txt
for the notebooks made to be embedded anywhere you want to use them.
A script to use <cnb>
tags to embed CCN0TEBOOKs on any webpage.
Very simple to use. You would use <cnb src="book.txt"></cnb>
embed a notebook inside of an HTML file. You will append in the <head>
a script to use it.
This project and the plugin should be done by the time you
are reading this. If not, it should be done later this year.
Site Changes (finally)
Yup. I'm finally getting around to doing it, finishing the job of
adding the new theme to every page that still has embedded styles,
ccn0.css, or remote fonts. I'm not gonna lie, this could take all year,
but I'm trying my best. I also want to find a way to make this site
work with JSON or RSS somehow, but I don't know.
I have no games to announce so far, but I am still working on many games,
which might include Nexploration 2, but I am still working out that
idea. The one game that has been on the coming soon section is still
being worked on, but is not in a state where I could announce or
release any information on it. Also this ties in to the next project.
A simple game engine that allows you to quickly make games for the
web on desktop and mobile. It has digital keys and touchpad for mobile so they get
the same experience as they would on computer. The engine also has
helpful objects and functions such as mousepointer, fenceObject, playAudio,
and more. This project should be done sometime in either late 2024 or 2025.
And yes, it's called CCanvasEngine because CanvasEngine was already
A desktop environment on the web. You can open multiple tasks and windows
like games, media, webpages, and more. You can customize the entire
desktop, icons, colors, and windows using a custom theme. This project
should hopefully be done in late 2025.
I have worked on so many things, tools, apps, games, and projects throughout
my existence as CCN0. I hope to continue to work on these projects until
they are perfect and never need to be changed again. Thank you for reading,
and thank you for caring enough to read paragraphs for a birthday.
p.s many things and projects are subject to change, including my plans for them.
and likebutton is coming soon