
Hello, I am CCN0 (pronounced see-see-no). I make things and stuffs.

Things I have made include:

  • Soundlets Plus: Soundboard maker
  • CCN0TEPAD Win: A notepad that resembles the Microsoft notepad
  • Terter: A browser extension that replaces the HTML on any URL

I have also made games like:

  • Nexploration: Murky darkness exploration game
  • Roomer: Sticker, which includes a bunch of FURNITURE

If you're wondering, I do go by different names online: CCN0 and arryorsomething, and that's because I like to do two different things.

Also, never call me by my real name.



Halloween is here! Today, I am releasing a userscript version of my Spookify scripts which are gonna be discontinued on my website November ...